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Introduction to Gom

dune Image by Oleksandr Ryzhkov on Freepik

Gom is a statically typed programming language based on a subset of the ECMAScript (and Rust) syntax but providing type-safety and concise syntax. It can be interpreted or compiled to LLVM IR. It takes inspiration from AssemblyScript and makes it more approachable to learn compiler construction.

Here’s a typical hello world program in Gom:

import "io";
fn main() {
io.log("Hello, world!");

The main function is the entry point to the program, similar to other statically-typed languages. log is the standard library function to print content to the console.

Simple arithmetic and function declaration looks like this:

import "io";
fn add(a: i8, b: i8): i8 {
return a + b;
fn main() {
io.log("Sum:", add(1, 2)); // Prints "Sum: 3"

Defining complex data structures is possible via the struct notation (like struct in C/Rust/Go). let is the variable declaration keyword, it infers type from the expression on the right hand side of =.

import "io";
type ArrInt = i8[10]; // i8 | i8[10] | struct {} | Temp[10]
type Temperature = struct {
high: i8,
low: i8,
avg: i8
fn main() {
let a = 1; // type inferred as i8
io.log("a:", a);
let temperature = Temperature {
high: 32,
low: 26,
avg: 29
io.log("Average temperature:", temperature.avg);

Apart from the built-in types, custom types can be created using the type keyword.

type LikeInt = i8;
type IntOrFloat = i8 | f32

Formalizing Syntax

The above examples give you a taste of the Gom language in general, how do we formally define the syntax of the language though? A formal definition is crucial for anyone wanting to implement the language (e.g. us) and is looking for language rules that the compiler should adhere to. This representation is called the grammar of the language, just like human language define rules in their grammar.

One of the popular ways to write language grammars is the Backus-Naur Form, a.k.a. BNF. The form uses a set of terminal and non-terminal symbols to define the syntax of the language. Let’s take a simple example of arithmetic - assume our language only had one type of expression: arithemetic addition. BNF would define the grammar as follows (let’s assume addition with only two operands):

<program> ::= <addition>
<addition> ::= <term> + <term>
<term> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

Each line is a rule, left hand side being the rule name, right hand side being the sequence of symbols the rule expands into. <program> and <addition> are non-terminal symbols as they expand into further symbols and <term> is a terminal as its value is a static string (single character here).

In this way, you can go on defining the grammar for more features in the language. Let’s take another example before we see the entire Gom grammar. The following set of rules represent function definition in a modified Extended Backus-Naur Form, a superset of BNF with added syntax for common rules:

functionDefinition = "fn" , identifier , "(" , argumentItem* , ")" ,
functionReturnType? ,
"{" , statement+ , "}";

To compare again with a function definition in Gom:

fn add(a: i8, b: i8): i8 {
return a + b;

Here, , represents sequence and you can also see some special characters like *, ? and +. If you know a bit of regular expressions, you might connect the dots and guess what these mean.

* -> Repetition, 0 or more
+ -> Repetition, 1 or more
? -> Optional, 0 or 1
| -> Choice, one of many

The function definition in plain English would be something like:

functionDefinition is made up of:
- "fn" Keyword
- an identifier
- a "(" token
- zero or more argumentItems (expands to: argumentName ":" type ",")
- a ")" token
- an optional functionReturnType
- a "{" token (body block)
- one or more statements
- a "}" token (end body block)

Complete Grammar for Gom

Okay, hopefully that gives a good idea about how language grammars can be written and read. Following is the complete language grammar for Gom:

Gom EBNF grammar
program = importDeclaration* , typeOrFunctionDefinition* , mainFunction;
importDeclaration = "import" , stringLiteral , ";";
typeOrFunctionDefinition = typeDefinition | functionDefinition;
typeDefinition = "type" , identifier , "=" , gomType , ";";
functionDefinition = "fn" , identifier , "(" , argumentItem* , ")" , functionReturnType? ,
"{" , statement+ , "}";
mainFunction = "fn" , "main" , "(" , argumentItem* , ")" , functionReturnType? ,
"{" , statement+ , "}";
statement = ifStatement
| forStatement
| returnStatement
| letStatement
| expressionStatement;
forStatement = "for" , "(" , expr? , ";" , expr? , ";" , expr? , ")" , "{" , statement+ , "}";
returnStatement = "return" , expr , ";";
letStatement = "let" , assignment+ , ";";
constStatement = "const" , assignment+ , ";";
expressionStatement = expr , ";";
gomType = typeIdOrArray | structType;
typeIdOrArray = typeId ("[" , numLiteral , "]")?;
structType = "struct" , "{" , structTypeItem+ , "}";
structTypeItem = identifier , ":" , gomType , ","?;
argumentItem = identifier , ":" , gomType , ","?;
functionReturnType = ":" , gomType;
assignment = identifier , "=" , expr;
(* Precedence *)
expr = assignment;
(* (identifier , ".")? is not implemented yet *)
assignment = (identifier , ".")? , identifier , "=" , assignment
| comparison;
comparison = sum , (("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "==") , comparison)?;
sum = quot , (("+" | "-") , quot)?;
quot = expo , (("/" | "*") , expo)?;
expo = call , ("^" , call)?;
call = term , ("(" , expr? , (expr , ",")* , ")" | "." call)?;
term = identifier | numLiteral | stringLiteral | "(" , expr , ")" | "true" | "false";
identifier = letter , (letter | digit)*;
numLiteral = digit+;
stringLiteral = '"' , (letter | digit)* , '"';
primitiveType = "i8" | "bool" | "f32" | "str" | "void";
compositeType = identifier;
letter = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G"
| "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N"
| "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U"
| "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" | "a" | "b"
| "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i"
| "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p"
| "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w"
| "x" | "y" | "z" ;
digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
WHITESPACE = " " | \n | \r | \t;